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How to wear a bendable snake necklace: Top styles

Posted by Kim

How to wear a bendable snake necklace: Top styles

Top 7 ways to wear a Choker Snake Necklace

Hello, today you will discover through this short article, seven different ways to wear a bendable snake necklace.

You will have in your possession all the knowledge required to find the style made for you and thus, sublimate your look in any circumstance.


What is a bendable snake necklace?


The bendable snake necklace also called "chock snake necklace" is a fancy and elegant necklace.

Taking the shape of a snake, it has the particularity of being folded, so it can be shaped and styled as you wish.

It can be found in different shapes and colors: gold, silver, blue or green.

So, without further ado, here are our Top 7 best styles:


Best styles with a Bendable Snake Necklace

Style 1 : rolled up necklace

  1. take your bendable snake necklace and close it (if it is an open model)
  2. take one end in each hand
  3. twist it on itself as much as possible
  4. put it around your neck
  5. Lock it at the back of your neck with a small knot on itself.

PS: if it is not long enough you can use rubber bands to lock it.

Style 2: snake tie


  1. place the snake necklace around your neck like a classic necklace
  2. grab the end that hangs down to your chest
  3. twist it on itself until you get the desired style

Style 3 : snake talisman


  1. make style 2 first
  2. grab the bottom part of the necklace (at your chest), and roll it upwards on itself.


Style 4 : snake Spiral


  1. Place the snake necklace around your neck like a traditional necklace
  2. take the necklace at one end and wrap it around one of your fingers
  3. remove your finger
  4. adjust the spiral as desired


Style 5: around the wrist like a bracelet


  1. place it bendable snake necklace around your wrist
  2. grab one part of the necklace and wrap it around your wrist
  3. wrap it as many times as needed to get the style you want
  4. secure with a small bow


Style 6: Snake headband


  1. place the necklace around your head at the forehead
  2. grab one extremity
  3. twist it on itself until the necklace is tight enough around your forehead
  4. fold the twisted part on itself to get an elegant look


Style 7: Snake bun

  1. As for style 1: take your bendable snake necklace and then grab one end in each hand
  2. twist it on itself as much as possible
  3. then place it around your bun this time
  4. wrap it as many times as necessary to stabilize the whole


And there you have it, you now know a wide variety of styles to achieve with your bendable snake necklace.

All you have to do is try them on and adopt the one that suits you best.

You can also, for a complete and perfect style, combine your snake necklace with a snake print dress or a snake ring.

In any case, the choker snake necklace is definitely an exceptional piece of snake jewelry that will not leave anyone indifferent and will ensure you a unique and elegant style.

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